Serenity: make way to sewer

From Create Your Own Story

Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 100 Gold: 50 Active effects: None

Location: The slums ally

With a stern face, Serenity shakes her head and waves the poor man away. With the little gold she has; Serenity couldn't afford to donate to a beggar.

"I'm sorry, but-" Serenity pauses as she was interrupted.

"Bah, off with you then you bitch!" Growls the beggar. "The god shall cast you down!"

Serenity didn't believe such nonsense. She simply wipes his rude words off and ignores the angry man. He was upset and was in a very tough position to live in these condition. Turning away, Serenity makes her way to the sewers.

Serenity: begin the rat quest.

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