Serenity: make her way to the potion store

From Create Your Own Story

Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 33 Gold: 50 Active effects: Bleeding! x2

Location: Carlax's potions

Making her way to the most renowned potions store in the town, Serenity zombies herself inside just before closing time and scans the vicinity for anyone to save her life. It was a dark shop that only had blue glowing orbs that illuminated the store and her dying vision wasn't help he one bit.

"Hel-hello?" Serenity speaks out. "Anyone here, please?"

Nothing, even the counter where the gold is kept was unmanned. There was one specific potion that caught Serenity's eye, it was a health potion; one that will seal up her wounds and replenish the blood that he body has lost. The pain was fading away, a clear signal that Serenity's body was beginning to give up the fight for life.

"Oh my! That looks like it hurts!" Shouts a voice from the darkness.

Falling to her knees, Serenity bleed out a pool of blood that was getting bigger by the second.

"Please, he-help me!" Stutters Serenity.

"Yes, yes..." A little green goblin about the size of a dwarf runs out with a red glowing potion in his hands. "This will help pretty lady!"

Serenity reaches out to grab the neck of the potion, but is rejected the red liquid a second later by Carlax.

"This girl must pay. Carlax doesn't give free service."

Serenity: hope for the best

Serenity: buy an extra large healing potion (45 Gold)

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