Serenity: just let the pervs finish

From Create Your Own Story

Serenity sat there in her own puddle of urine waiting for both men to finish. She had been humiliated by wetting herself in front of two men, she didn't care anymore that she was being used as a cum rag. Serenity paused and imagined herself being coated in warm cum. The thought of it was disgusting and foul, but she had no choice. Both men moan their loudest and they aimed their red cocks at Serenity's face. Accepting her fate, she bobbed her head down to avoid any semen hitting her face. This wasn't much help however as both men arch their backs as they came to orgasm. Suddenly shoot their milky load out hitting Serenity's hair, she could feel the impact of the jizz flying out and splattering on her skin. Both men scotched themselves next to each other as they continued to pump their hard cocks closer and closer to Serenity. This made them cum all on her chest, shoulders and even a little bit on her chin. Finally as both men were finished for the day, they took a step back from the cum covered girl as visioned there aftermath.

"Thanks for showing us a good time babe." Boasted the bald man "You look so good in white!"

Laughing at themselves, both men clean themselves up and slithered their pants back up. Taking one last look at Serenity, they then exit the stalls.

Standing up out of her own mess; Serenity looked down at her chest watching the cum slowly slide down her body. Turing to the mirror, Serenity frowned as she noticed that her perfect hair was ruined by the sticky substance left by the two men. Taring off sheets of toilet paper, Serenity tried her hardest to wipe all of the semen off her body. It made her cringe as she witnessed a clump of cum slide down and along her cleavage. Wiping that and the rest off her chin, she was satisfied by how clean she was... Besides her hair...

Serenity: ending result 25

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