Serenity: hope for the best

From Create Your Own Story

Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 33 Gold: 50 Active effects: Bleeding! x2

Location: The slums

Serenity didn't want to waste her gold on any healing to save her life, she instead tries her luck and just hope a miracle happens. Regretting not paying further attention back when Serenity was at the wizards college, she tries to recall a healing spell that Grand-master J'vallsker tried to teach her. It was no use, she didn't know how to channel her energy into one that heals. Serenity makes her way into a quiet alleyway where she stays put on the ground and watches as the clouds pass by. It was very peaceful actually. The polluting noise of towns people talking was dying down along with her vision that was now growing dark. She knows that her body was now giving up trying to save itself. Serenity keeps on bleeding and forms a puddle of blood below her whilst growing limp in her movements. Closing her eyes, Serenity takes her last breath and falls asleep.

Serenity: ending: results 1

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