SM:Y-NOT Pizza - Follow The Voice

From Create Your Own Story

You wince as shards of glass and wood bite the bottoms of your feet while making your way deeper into the building. The fires seem worse back here and they're spreading quickly to consume everything they can.

Almost the entire wall separating the kitchen from the dining area has been torn completely down. You see the charred remains of a few of the chefs who had been in the back at the time of the explosion.

"Help... " you hear, closer now. You look around the vicinity and spot the head and arm of a person trapped under a bunch of debris. The man is reaching out to you, grasping desperately at the air and unable to free himself and escape the fire that burns nearby. In a minute or two, you guess, it would reach him and slowly cook him alive much like a pizza in an oven.

Do you:

Sixty Minutes -- Current Status
Time Remaining 1:11
Location Y-NOT Pizza (Destroyed)
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