SM:Y-NOT Pizza - Drag Him Out

From Create Your Own Story

You grab, throw, and push chunks of debris off the table pinning the man down until you've removed enough to lift it up. He drags himself out from under it and you help him to his feet, the two of you limping out of the destroyed pizzeria and out onto the street.

You leave him sitting on the ground next to the wall as you see someone else dragging themselves to their feet just inside. You head back in and help them stand, letting them lean on you as you exit with a second survivor.

You're about to go back in for a third person when everything around you abruptly freezes. The flames cease consuming and dancing across the inside of the restaurant, the wounded stop letting out pained cries, and the trapped no longer call for help.

It as though time itself has frozen.

"Thank you... but I am sorry that had to happen," you hear a voice say nearby. The same voice you heard when you signed that contract not too long ago. You follow the source to an alleyway beside the pizzeria and find some sort of spirit floating there, waiting for you.

"Just bad luck," you respond while looking the spirit over. It consists of a hooded white cloak, and featureless black porcelain mask where a face should be. You can sense a strong hatred for you, and a powerful malevolence coming from the white voids behind the mask's eyes.

"My corrupt side forced that outcome because of your inaction to fulfill the contract. The lives you just saved now though gave me enough strength to seal it away, so do not worry. Nobody else will be harmed now."

"I take it you've come about the contract?" you ask while walking into the alleyway.

"Yes. You fulfilled your end of the bargain, but I'm not in the habit of forcing things onto people like my other half. I've come to instead offer you the choice. I can fulfill my end of the contract and restore you to life, or I can give you what you were denied, the chance to pass into the afterlife."

You consider your options, trying to decide which outcome you truly want. You had done all this to live, but maybe it is time to move on? You have a tough decision to make.

The End: You've saved some lives, and assisted the spirit in sealing away its' corrupted half. Now you must choose to either live, or pass on to the afterlife... but that is another story entirely.

Try Again -- Quit

Sixty Minutes -- Current Status
Time Remaining Outta time...
Location Alleyway, or the Afterlife
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