Put up your dukes.
From Create Your Own Story
You shove the notebook away from your face and give him an uppercut to the chin. He falls back and breaks your cubicle in half from his overweight.
Of course, the boss is the first one to hear the crash and actually do something about it. He storms over into your cubicle and his head explodes with anger. You try to explain the situation, but only get out a few sounds.
The Boss smashes you over the head with your own computer monitor, all the way outside. When he's done with that, he throws a stone at you and goes back into the office building.
Now you're jobless. What do you do when you're living on the street?
Buy some drugs with the 10 bucks you have.
Make a sign out of cardboard and low-ink Crayola black marker and panhandle for cash on the street.