Piggy's Day/Return the wallet
From Create Your Own Story
Piggy: "I propably should return this. What kind of a person would just take wallets off the street?"
A thought passes through you:
Piggy: "Gladstone Gander would...."
You reach the address on the drivers license, and reach a house in the suburbs with a well-endowed garden and cobblestone path. You ring the bell, and soon enough an elderly lady comes out.
Lady: "Ooh, you found my wallet! Thank you young man. Would you like to come in for a coffee?"
You decline the offer and go back home. The day has been very exhausting, though you've woken up only hours ago. You sit down in your armchair, turn on the light and start reading. You, however, get bored quickly, as the book uses very unorthodox plot maneuvers.
Piggy: "Enough of this! There's gotta be something better to do."
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