Meet him at his suggested location.

From Create Your Own Story

"Okay. It's a deal. Text me the address." You decided it's worth a shot. You need his help to score this job.

"Great! I'll send you the address now. See you soon!" He spoke rapidly and then hung up before you could say anything else.

You always kind of knew that Patrick had a thing for you, even though you never acknowledged it. It can get kind of stalker-ish at times, and meeting him alone at an unknown place makes you a bit uneasy. But it's just Patrick, the awkward skinny guy from high school. If he tries anything weird you could probably handle him on your own. Your phone's vibration broke your train of thought. You looked down at the unfamiliar address and exhaled deeply. Time to suck it up. What's the worst that could happen?

Now you need to decide what to wear.

No need to change, it's just an old buddy.

Put on something more modest.

Wear cosplay as a joke.

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