Lift your mate up and press her against your mother

From Create Your Own Story

You lift your mate up on your lap, before turning her around and facing your parents. Your Dad mimics your movements with Mom, having the two elves face each other, and you push your mate up against your Mom, their large breasts squishing tightly together. Mom quickly takes the initiative and brings your mate into a deep and sloppy kiss, their tongues intertwining.

Your mate quickly turns away from Mom, and spits, "W-what do you think you're doing? We're both girls."

Mom laughs, "So?" she says and brings her into another kiss.

Your mate squeals when you resume your thrusting, as you hold tightly onto her arms. You want your mate to be as loving to you as your Mom is to Dad, and for an orc, often best way to do this is to fuck them until they submit. Orcs aren't exactly the prettiest, nicest, or most honorable beings in the land, so this is the way things have to be done in order for you to survive. You don't particularly like it, but seeing your mate's constant struggle, you realize that it's the only way.

Suddenly, you feel your orgasm about to reach it's limit, and you thrust into your mate one final time. Dad reaches his limit too, and all four of you cum at the same time, screams of pleasure fill the air. You all collapse onto your cum soaked bed, snuggling close to one another. You liked this experience of having sex alongside your parents, and hope that you can do it again someday.

"I-I'll escape... My sweetheart will come for me... I'll be rid of you one day..." your mate says as her tears fall down her cheeks.

Health Horny, mated to a fair skinned elf Equipment:


Experience inexperienced
HP 100
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