Let the two elf guards take you to their queen
From Create Your Own Story
As you stand, you realize that you have a full erection, and the two guards gasp at the sight of it. The brunette takes a very close look at it, and pokes the head. "How is this possible? It wasn't nearly this large or hard when we first saw it. What manner of magic is this?"
"It's no magic. I told you that a penis becomes erect when excited."
"Yes, but... I just didn't think so much. I've never heard of such a thing possible on the flesh before."
The blond puts on her gear as the brunette curiously looks over every detail of your cock. "Come on, now we must take him to see our lady. She'll be so impressed!"
"Very well. Come, orc male."
They both take you by the arms and lead you inside. The inside is a stark contrast to the out, with bright colors everywhere. There are hundreds of elves on the inside, all of them female. None of them wear much, and those that do have full covering, the cloth is so thin it's nearly transparent. Everyone freezes when they see you enter the castle, and the same look of confusion the guards have, they share. None of them have ever seen a male before, and you wonder if the same is true of their queen.
You are lead up at least a dozen flight of stairs. But it's nothing you can't handle, and the two guards don't seem bothered by it either. Despite their small frames, these women are very strong. You could tell instantly by their grip on your arms, it's so tight it nearly hurts. You finally reach the top floor, and see a pair of large doors.
"Before we enter, you must show our lady the proper respect. If you do or say anything to offend her, your head will roll. Is that understood?"
You nod. "Perfectly."
You then enter the royal hall, where sitting upon a large throne sits quite possibly the most gorgeous woman you have ever laid eyes on. She's a dark elf, her hair as black as the night sky. Lips redder than a rose. Eyes as yellow as bright gold. And a body as though sculpted by the Gods themselves. Perfect curves, perfect breasts, perfect thighs, everything. She's the very image of beauty and desire. Like all the other women, she wears little, and what little she does wear is that see through cloth. She is decorated in all kinds of fine jewelry, six earnings per ear, and a diamond crown atop her brow. Your mother looks like a cow in comparison to this goddess of the flesh, and you feel an unnatural desire to rape her, burn in your soul.
"A fond greetings to you, my servants. What is this creature you have brought before me this day?" Oh Gods, her voice. Her voice is so sweet you nearly cum from just hearing it.
The blond steps forward and kneels politely. "My Lady Safaria, this is called a orc male. We found it wandering the front gates. It said it was lost."
"Lost, is it. Where do you hail from, orc male?"
Status | ||
Health | Horny, needing a mate | Equipment:
naked |
Experience | Virgin | |
HP | 100 |