Kidnapped-Keep on struggling

From Create Your Own Story

You will never give up struggling and keep wiggle furiously. You were succeed in bring you further down another few inch but the consequence from the struggling bring you to another level of restriction. The cord around you were now biting into your flesh, you were panting for air due to leg of yours were pressing so hard to you chest and both your arms were getting numb.

Something even worst is that one of the thick cord went between your parted lips which effective gagging you while you head was pinned still. There is no way you could remove the cord in your mouth.

Now none of your body were able to move, even wiggling was impossible for you. You try to call for help but the thick cord in mouth and you cramp lung were reducing your words into inaudible mewing.

Not knowing for how long you heard a vehicle coming towards you. Your heart was pounding, this might be the chance for you to get help. You try to yell but the thick cord was doing the job to stopping you to yell... Seems like the car was not going to stop.

But just before your hope were gone, the car stopped. Seems like he notice the bag you left on the road. A guy get down from the car and grabbed your bag and searching inside it. Then he finally notice your existence.

Without a word he went to release the trap and slowly lowering you down. While you were hopping him to help you out of the web, he make a good tug on the web, further tightening the web and tied it off with a knot. Now you are in his mercy until he would let you go. You try to protest but all your words were inaudible to him even yourself.

He then carry you bag in one hand while carrying you over the shoulder in the other hand. Moment later you were placed into the trunk of the car. He slam the trunk close leaving you inside there, seeing only pitch black in your eyes. Not knowing where he was bring you but all you know is that the road was so bumpy and causing you to bang you head to the wall of trunk and slowly you lost your conscious...

Gender Female Location:



Caught in net and Gagged

Age 24
Item Swiss Army Knife
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