He asks you to babysit him and his friend tonigh

From Create Your Own Story

"well since it's Saturday, I wanted to invite Kevin tonight. But Dad said I'd have to ask you because he wants to go out. Not sure where."

You don't have to take a wild guess. Saturday night? Your drunk dad will probably go spend his night drinking in pubs until he gets thrown out at 3 AM.

"Do I really have to?" You really don't like to play the babysitter.

"Well, unless you want the whole neighborhood to see what you're up to in your lonely night." he says with a grin.

"Fine..." you drop... you don't really have a choice.. you promise yourself to get back at your brother in time...

You go to your room to get dressed and get ready for the day. Despite all that happened. You barely see the day passes as you try to process what happened between you and your brother.

When you get home, your dad looks at you with a suspicious face as he breach the topic of you babysitting him for the night. He dosn't like people other then family coming into the house... probably because he don't like to hide himself from being the huge jerk he is you figure...

You acquiesce that you accepted because you had nothing better to do tonigh. While suspicious of your sudden goodwill towards your brother, you manage to throw him off and he make himself dinner before leaving relatively early. Your brother comes home from school all chippery with his school friend.

They get in and you prepare a meal for everyone.

You retire to your room for a bit to change from your work attire to something more comforteable. You take off everything and puts on a pair of shorts and a long loose shirt that belonged to one of your ex and that you use as a pyjama now.

You go down to see what the boys are up to. For now they seem to be watching TV rather innocently.

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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