Furry World/Call the boss

From Create Your Own Story

Your boss is a lion and his name is Frank Tyler. He's demanding, aggressive, and twice as big as you. He's kind of scary, even. It's a bit of a challenge to call him and ask for a day off because he simply hates when his employees miss work. Even though it's just a small and quiet cafe that doesn't have customers that often.

Frank is also very hot-tempered. As you hold your phone close to your ear, you already prepare for a long and loud tirade. It can be pretty emotionally exhausting.


"Good morning, Mister Tyler," you greet him nicely.

However, you hear him snort on the other end. "Is it really?" Oh, it starts already. You groan internally, rolling your eyes. "I believe you're still home, and if you don't hurry, you're going to be late for work. Again." Well, isn't it a great beginning of the day indeed.

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk about."

"Oh?" He sounds somewhat amused.

"Yes. I am afraid that..." You take a deep breath. Here it goes... "I won't be able to attend work today."

"What?!" Alright, now he sounds angry and a little shocked. More like shocked by such 'outrageous'

You can't help pressing your ears down to your head a bit. "And maybe for... a while."

The next couple of minutes you have to hold the phone a bit away from your sensitive ears because your boss can get that angry and be that loud. And it happens because of the most trivial things, too. It just can't be helped, this guy will never change, you assume.

He goes on and on about how careless it is to miss work that often. He remembers that the last week you already had a few days off due to being ill. You bite your lower lip nervously. It's true, you caught a cold back then... You felt really bad, you nearly ended up with a heavy fever. But this time... This time your problem is slightly different.

But can't be ignored as well.

Your boss, however, demands that you go to work this instant. He doesn't understand why you can't come. Perhaps you should explain?

Do you:

Furry Status (you)
Health 98 Equipment:


Gender Female
Species Wolf
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