Enthusiastically finish getting naked (Phys Ed Teacher) (m)

From Create Your Own Story

As soon as the class responds, Jessica turns to all of them and gives an embarrassed smile. She has always been on the shy side, mostly focusing on her studies. But what teenage girl doesn't like the approval and affection of her peers? You wonder if you can use this. You say, "Class, do we want to see Jessica give up? Or do we want her to keep going?" They respond with a loud, "Keep going!" You say again, "Well there you have it Jessica, your classmates want to see you succeed." You make sure not to tell her outright to continue, you know it has to be her choice.

As you hoped and predicted, Jessica slowly walks back to the center of the room. She drops her clothes on the grounds and in a shaky, nervous voice, asks you something that shocks you, "Mr. Edwards, should I take my top or bottoms off first? Or does it matter? I don't want to get in any more trouble..." Her voice trails off, probably surprised at her own words.

"Well that's a good question, thank you for asking Jessica. Class, what do you think?" You ask. Jessica kind of fidgets with her hands as she turns to the crowd, awaiting their answer.

They could tell her to start with her top. They really want to see Jessica's boobs. They could tell her to start with her bottoms. Making her bottomless would be extra embarrassing. They could let her decide. They're curious to see what she chooses to show first.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Whistle, shorts, t-shirt, trainers

Status Happy, hard
Gender Male
Social Group Gym Teacher
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