Cute Smutty Yuri Fluff/Read 'The girl with two souls'
From Create Your Own Story
You return the other books to the shelf, leaving one book called 'The girl with two souls' It's a romance story about a girl who has two souls that fall in love with each other. However, only one can control the body at once, it's beyond cute watching them try to interact... You smile fondly, remembering how sweet the ending was. You walk over to your armchair sink into your armchair and begin to re-read it once again...
Groggily wiping your eyes, you slowly fade back into consciousness. After many hours reading, you seem to have fallen asleep... The late afternoon sun shines into the room. You sit up in your chair and stretch. You wonder if you should even get up. It's late and it would be better to go back to sleep and wake up early then to mess up your sleep cycle. You slouch back in your comfy armchair. A chilling laugh echoes from behind you, snapping you awake. You wait. Nothing else. It could be your mind playing tricks on you. Why else would there be a laugh like that? Warm hands clasp over your eye blocking your view. Too afraid to make a noise, you scream desperately- or at least, you try. Nothing comes out of your mouth, you struggle, trying to remove the hands from your face. Another laugh comes from behind you, but instead of a dark, sinister cackle, it's cheery amused giggle. You break out from the clutches of your fear and stand up looking behind you. It's a busty girl with shiny orange-red hair tied up into two twin tails reaching just down past her shoulders, dark orange skirt and an orange shirt with 'Troublemaker' written on it in bold font.