Big Cock Fun - Offer your help.

From Create Your Own Story

"Sorry to hear that, man."

"Yeah, don't I know it ... I'd really like to kick back and enjoy a nice blow job right now. Oh, well ..." One hand absentmindedly gropes his dick and the other goes in one of his pockets and produces a lighter. Before he can light it, though, you interrupt him.

"How about instead of smoking that, you let me help you ... "relax".

Shane was about to light his cigarette, but stops in his tracks and looks at you with a confused expression, the lighter's flame almost burning the cigarette. You notice how it takes him a moment to come back to his senses and retake control of his motor functions. It takes him some effort to extinguish the lighter, put it back in one pocket and replace the cigarette in it's package. When he looks back at you, he's seems to have come to a decision and smiles at you. You smile back.

"So ... you want to help me out?" He probably wants to make sure, you're not just kidding around here.

Instead of answering you step closer to him, your hands buried deep in your pockets, arms stretched out, making you look a little shy, though you can barely contain your horniness and you give him a charming smile. You're just next to him, if he took one step closer to you, his chest would meet your own. He stands straight from his leaning position against his car and takes the step to close the distance between the two of you, still giving you a smug smile.

"Well, I really want that blow job and I'm not gonna be picky about who does the sucking right now. And you're quite hot for a guy, your cute face bobbing up and down on my dick ... sounds good to me. I'm getting hard just thinking about it. Wanna shake hands with your new best friend?" He takes one of your hands, pulling it from your pocket and places it on his crotch, making you rub it. From what you can tell, it probably isn't quite as long as yours, but very thick and very hard. You can't wait to get him out of his jumpsuit.

"How about we slip into the back of my car and get comfortable?"

You ...?

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