Ask her if she wants you to spot her

From Create Your Own Story

She turns towards you and smiles. "Yeah that'd be great, I was just about to do some squats. I know you don't really need anyone to spot you on those. But I'd feel safer if our school's mile record-holder was watching me."

You laugh as you both walk towards the bars.

"I could never run. My boobs are just too big," she says laughing. "They bounce everywhere and they really weigh me down. I have to wear two sports bras just to workout here." She laughs again.

She starts doing squats facing away from you. You can't take your eyes off her amazing ass. Well except when she goes low enough that you can see the top of her breasts.

Walk up behind her so that your hard dick is touching her ass

Pull your shorts off and jack off

Watch to make sure she is ok

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Health 100 Equipment:


Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Athlete
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