Ask Kara to explain the bet to Adam

From Create Your Own Story

"You explain it," you say, looking at Kara.

Kara laughs. "Your buddy here was a little too confident," she giggles. "The bet was that if he took me down in the one-on-one matchup, I'd owe him a favor. If I took him down, he'd owe me one." She gives her brother a smirking look. "And I proved to him that girls are superior to boys."

Adam glares at you. "How could you possibly manage to lose to her? She's never even played that game before!"

You shrug. "She's a quick study."

Adam sighs. "Now she's going to be insufferable. Video games were the one area left in this house where men were the superior gender!" His face lengthens and he frowns. "I guess I'll just have to deal with it."

"So challenge her yourself and take her down," you suggest.

"That'll have to wait," Kara purrs. She grabs your arm. "You owe me a favor. And I'm cashing it in right now. I need a little bit of help with a project."

Before you or Adam can react, Kara is guiding you to her room. You notice that after you both enter, she locks the door behind her.

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