Amelia/Ruairi/put on the Deep-Blue nightgown *Purple Dress 2*

From Create Your Own Story

The Deep-Blue nightgown fits in wonderfully with the atmosphere in this place, not to mention it looks hot enough to even arouse you. So far, you've been getting a good impression of this Ruairi, though you still haven't actually seen the guy.

You ease yourself down in the silky bed, feeling great. Maybe your father picked this Lord Ruairi because he knew you'd be happy here? Your mind filled with such thoughts, you drift off to sleep. In your dreams you show off the beautiful nightgown to your handsome future husband and things get steamy. You awake with your body feeling tingly all over. Sad that it was just a dream. After calming down, you suddenly notice you're not alone in bed. There's a man lying behind you, his arms wrapped around you so you can't move. You're still aroused from your earlier dream and the feeling of his breath on your neck sends a shiver down your spine.

You try to shake off the arousal to think clearly and soon realize by his steady breathing that the man behind you is asleep. You look down and are relieved to see that both you and the man are still clothed. His clothing is as elegant as everything else in this house and realization dawns on you as to the identity of this man who would dare sneak into your bed uninvited.

You :

Lie still and pretend to sleep till he wakes up

Try to get up without waking him

Wake him up

Hug him tightly

Kick him out of the bed

Health 100 Equipment:

Deep-Blue nightgown, Mother's Wedding Ring(keepsake)

Stamina 100
Mood Aroused Inventory:


Purse 1849, 500, 0
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