Alone on the beach (Exchange Student) (f)

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to skip out on school and instead find a secluded beach to spend the day, you swim down the coast until you see a small inlet and swim down it.

The area is well concealed and there is a large sunlit sandy area in which to lie. You climb out of the water and lie on your back, then, on impulse, pull the top part of your swimsuit down to show your breasts and upper belly.

You then decide you might as well go all the way and you remove your swimsuit entirely. You place it on the ground next to your feet, close your eyes, and enjoy the feeling of the starfish suckling on your tits and clitoris.

You open your eyes and it occurs to you that you must have dozed off, the sun is at it's peak and your clitoris feels slightly numb. You have a few more hours to kill before you have to head back home to pretend you attended school.

You decide to go out into the water again and reach for where you left your swimsuit... only to feel nothing, you hastily look around and it is nowhere to be seen, there are no footprints around you so you decide that the tides must have carried it away. Getting home will be a problem now, it will be almost impossible to do so without being seen, and that is completely out of the question.

You stand up and take a few steps, the starfish on your clit is scraping against your inner thighs so you pull it off, it briefly resist but cannot hold on. You brush your hands past your clit and yell as you feel how sensitive it is, you lightly brush it a few more times but the feeling does not fade. You remove the starfish from your breasts and a small amount of lactation drips out, you squeeze your areola and cry out as you find they are sensitive to, the sea breeze against them feels as though it will almost suffice to bring you to orgasm. You decide to let your problems take a back seat and instead lie down again, enjoying the feel of the elements on your body. You begin to fantasise about a man finding you on the beach and doing all sorts of naughty things together as you lie there.

Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear someone loudly clear their throat, is it...

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

3 Starfish

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
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