ANH: All three want a slice of Togruta peach pie

From Create Your Own Story

"Holy Fuck! Where did you find that?" Luke asks, his little penis becoming instantly erect as a result of the girl's hormones.

"She's not a 'that'," you retort, "she's a young scared girl," ... and you hug the Togruta youth possessively to your chest.

"Mraaaaaaayaaaa." Chewbacca says, eliciting more shudders from the girl who obviously understands wookie and Chebacca's desire to split her wide open.

"You animals can't touch her," you say climbing into the ship, the girl hugging tight to you. You're feeling dizzy from her intoxicating scent.

Chewy fires up the ship and taxis for take-off as Storm troopers stream into the bay.

Luke planted a booby-trap near the entry ramp and detonates a device killing about 50 of them.

More pour in and one of them initiates shutting the docking bay entrance.

Just in time in dramatic Star Wars fashion, Chewy narrowly escapes, spinning to just the right angle to slip through the crack, just before the door slams shut.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Princess Leia Organa
A New Hope

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