"Let's head to the bathroom, guys."
From Create Your Own Story
"Let's try the bathrooms," you say, amazed at what you're saying, but even you can hear the mix of excitement, lust, and fear in your voice.
The four guys grin, nod, and whoop, and the group of you rise, leaving the booth and heading downstairs. As you pass the bouncer, he frowns a little at the four guys you're with, and says, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, guys."
"Ha," smirks the guy with the tattoos, once you've left the pub. "I bottomed for that guy once and couldn't sit for a week."
You feel your cock throb, and the guy in the wifebeater wraps one arm around you, leading you to a van. You end up in the front between him and the guy with PIG t-shirt, and every bounce and jostle of the truck seems to go straight to your dick. You're wildly horny, rock hard, and feeling fine. The drinks at the Midtown Pub must be pretty strong.
A shortish drive later and the van pulls into a large paved parking area with a small brick building near the back lit weakly with yellow lights. You all climb out of the van, the two other men joining you from the back, each of them holding two small hand-held digital cameras.
"There's some paths behind those bathrooms that can get busy but we don't have enough light," the guy in the wifebeater says, pointing at the small building, and the path you can see just beside it. He glances at the parking lot around the bathrooms, and you both see three big-rigs and a car parked in the lot. The car is tucked beside the bathroom building and appears empty, but you're pretty sure you can see movement in at least one of the rigs that are parked further to the edge of the lot.
"Looks like the place is starting to get going for the night." You can't believe you came here, but your dick is rock hard. Are you really going to make a porn movie?
The men start toward the bathroom, and you follow.
You start to hear some noise as you approach. A little hesitant, you follow them inside and find that it's a grimy tiled room lit by fluorescent lights in the ceiling, with four toilet stalls and a row of urinals and two sinks. The place smells of stale urine. All but one of the stalls is missing its door, but what immediately gets your attention is the large bearish man who is standing with his back to the urinals, getting a blow-job from a young naked blond boy. He's definitely a bear - maybe in his late thirties, stocky, with dark red chest hair peaking over the top of his shirt, and a slightly lighter red beard and hair. His black sleeveless shirt has "PIG TOP" written across it in white letters. You assume his jeans are on the pile of clothing in the corner.
The bear nods at your group as you walk in, and grips the blond boy's hair even tighter in his hand. "Evening," he says.
"Evening," the guy in the wifebeater replies, grinning. The blond turns his head a little, still deep throating the bear's cock, then goes back to work. He's on his knees in front of the bear, holding the hairy bear's thighs with his hands while he blows the man. With a flash of remembrance, you realize this is the blond who was leaving when you first entered the Midtown pub. The Pig Top must be the stocky guy that was with him.
You feel your cock twitch at the show they're putting on.
"You mind if we break out the cameras while we play?" the greasy guy asks.
The pig top smirks, and pulls the blond's head deep onto his dick, making him gag a little. "Sure," he says. "Just make sure you get my best side."
The guys laugh, and the greasy guy and the guy with the tattoos split up, each with one of the cameras, and the greasy guy starts filming the bear and the blond twink. The guy in the wifebeater takes the back of your neck and starts to kiss you, and you hear the tattooed fellow step up, and the light whine of the camera recording it.
The guy in the wifebeater stops kissing you long enough to say, "It's your birthday, eh? You want my cock? Is that what you want? You want a present, don't you, birthday boy?"
You say...