White and Nerd42

From Wiki42

White & Nerd42 is the name of DJ Nerd42's mashup of Weird Al Yankovic's "White & Nerdy" and Linkin Park's "Session". It was originally released on the 2007 mixtape, "cOOLdISC_aFTERmATH".



All mirrors point to the same file. Use 7-zip to open. http://7-zip.org/




01 White & Nerd42 (Version 2)

The original version can be heard on cOOLdISC_aFTERmATH. However, that version had several sound quality issues that are now fixed in the Version 2 mix. The version 2 mix is much closer to my original vision.

02 There They're Nerdy

"There They're Nerdy" is a DJ Nerd42 mashup of Weird Al Yankovic's "White & Nerdy" vs Fort Minor's "There They Go".

Old download links to just this track

Fell out of bed feelnig down. This has brightened my day!

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