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From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 21:37, 29 November 2007 by ILHI (Talk | contribs)
icon_confused.gif The original author of Streets does not have any further information on this article. The author may return to finish the article when information has been gathered, however they welcome anyone to expand on this article.

Size Large
Location An urban street
Climate Night
Unlockable TS1: "Cyberden" on Normal
TS2: Story Mode on Easy
Recommended Bots  ?
Recommended Weapons  ?

Streets is a long urban street set at night with various buildings and garages to enter that fits appeared on TimeSplitters 1. However, it reappeared in TimeSplitters 2.


There also happens to be some differences between the TS1 version and the TS2 version.

Differences from TS1:

  • The music is different than in TS1
  • There is a shortcut leading from the blue team base to a building facing the red team's street is TS2. This shortcut does not exist at all in TS1.
  • It is snowing in the TS2 version but not in TS1.
  • More garages are open in TS2 (4 instead of 2)


  • The words, "Linux" can be seen on a wall between the blue team's base and the only alleyway in the level, TS1 only.
  • this level has an irregular number of zones in TS2, it has 5 zones instead of the regular 4

Playable Modes

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