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Oh Shoal-O-Mio

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 06:20, 5 October 2007 by Dj master (Talk | contribs)
icon_confused.gif The original author of Oh Shoal-O-Mio does not have any further information on this article. The author may return to finish the article when information has been gathered, however they welcome anyone to expand on this article.

Oh Shoal-O-Mio
Game TS: FP
League Elite League
Section Slash 'n Grab
Mode Team Deathmatch
Map Venice
Character  ?
Enemies Encountered The Shoal x8
Rewards  ?
Medal Requirements  ?

Oh Shoal-O-Mio is an arcade league challenge in TimeSplitters Future Perfect.


Although it may seem tough as it is everyone on you, the Shoals only take a few hits to die. So just grab a weapon, preferably a Machine Gun, and then use your radar to find them. Most of them can usually be found near the staircase, where they will either come down to you, or shoot you from the balcony at the top left.The best weapon to use is tactical guage-12 as it kills them in 1 or 2 shots.Soviet rifle is good too,but it takes more shots.

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