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Tommy Gun

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 06:31, 29 July 2007 by Fruitman456 (Talk | contribs)
Tommy Gun
Ammo 32 bullet magazine, maximum 200 bullets
Fire Rate
bullets per sec/cartridge time
10 Bullets per second
Reload Time N/A
Damage (per Single Shot)
9 Damage per Bullet
Type High Fire Rate
Zoom None
Primary Fire Fires Bullets
Secondary Fire Fires Bullets
Games TS TS2

The standard gangsters' sidekick, the Tommy Gun will spray round after round causing carnage and eliminating large groups of enemies in seconds. It fires extremely fast and is also dual wieldible. The tommy gun appeared in TS and TS2. In TS2 story mode, it is in the level Chicago.

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