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Arcade Awards

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 07:31, 17 June 2007 by ILHI (Talk | contribs)

Arcade awards are awards given though various deeds in arcade mode. Here's a list all the know ones and how to obtain them although most of them are pretty self explanatory.

Arcade awards

  • Most Lethal
  • Most Losses - Keep dying.
  • Most Professional
  • Multi Kill
  • Longest Spree
  • Most Effective
  • Pathetic Shot - Don't shoot the enemies.
  • I Hit Dead People - Shoot the bots bodies when they have no health.
  • Brain Surgeon
  • Fists Of Fury - Punch enemies.
  • Glass Jaw - Get punched but don't die.
  • Decapitator
  • Fists Of Steel - Punch enemies when playing as a robot.
  • Traitor - Shoot your own team.
  • Ac - 10 Award - Run over the armour with full armour.
  • Where's The Health? - Run over the place where the health is when it's not there.
  • Where's The Armour? - Run over the place where the armour is when it's not there.
  • Hoarder - Have loads of weapons but don't use them.
  • Sloth - Move slowly.
  • Most Frantic
  • Most Sneaky
  • Most Cowardly - Run away from war.
  • Dodger - Dodge opponents bullets.
  • Most Out Gunned
  • Best Equipped
  • Unlucky to lose - Do well, but don't win.
  • Weapons Expert - Use all your weapons.
  • Ricochet King
  • Under Equipped
  • Bully
  • Most Peaceful
  • Most Dishonourable - Shoot enemies in back.
  • Most Manic
  • Shortest Innings
  • Longest Innings
  • Survivor
  • Marksmanship
  • Sniper - Snipe enemies.
  • Most Flammable - Spend a long time on fire.
  • Most Damaging
  • Persistence Award
  • Beheader Award - A gold in "Heads Knocked Off"
  • Smasher Award - A gold in "Glass Smashed"
  • Golden Oldie Award
  • Lemming Award
  • Insomniac Award - A gold in "Insomnia"
  • Traveller award - A gold in "Distance Travelled"
  • Vandal - Destroy windows.
  • Bag Man - Hold the bag longest.
  • Backpeddler - Run backwards
  • Sidestepper - Run sideways
  • Porter - Capture the bags.
  • Victim
  • Ledgehopper - Jumping off the edge. eg. Chasm
  • Cartographer
  • Trigger Happy
  • Hypochondriac - Run over the health when it's full.
  • Brutality
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