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Harry Tipper

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 22:54, 16 January 2007 by Carlo92 (Talk | contribs)
Harry Tipper
Unlocked by Default
Species Human
Size Normal
Accuracy 9
Agility 6
Stamina 5
Fire Proof 5
Shock Proof 5
Default AI 5
Native TimeZone 1969-1972
First Appearance TS1 Story Mode
Relations Kitten Celeste(Girlfriend)
Games All

Harry Tipper is one of the few reccuring characters of the Timesplitters series. In each game he spends most of his time trying to foil the plans his arch-nemesis, Khallos.

TS1 Gesture Takes a comb out of his gun holster and combs his hair back while saying "Oh yeah... that's right!" TSFP Gesture Does a '70s style boogie dance and says "Right on! Let's go man! We gotta boogie!"
TS2 Gallery The crime busting skills of ex-New York vice cop Harry Tipper are now employed in the fight against international supervillians. This time he's got a licence to chill - nice tux Harry! TSFP Gallery Very Special Agent Tipper. Licensed to chill and the grooviest cat in town.



Very little about Harry Tipper's backstory has been revealed, but we can assume that he may have been born into a wealthy family. It is unknown if he had any personal motivations for being a detective or his reasons for becoming a spy. He is the joint owner of the disco known as The Big Tipper, and always has a wide selection of clothing, both male and female, at hand.

The Russian Connection 1969

Chronologically, the first time we see Harry Tipper is in TimeSplitters Future Perfect. When Cortez meets him, he is spying on Khallos, who is angry at Tipper for ruining his plans for world domination and kiddnapped Harry's girlfriend, Kitten Celeste. Cortez and Tipper team up and sneak through the defences manage to past several of Khallos's Henchmen. Harry decides to take the pipes and rendevous with Cortez under the watertower. To get pass the security cameras at the front gate Harry goes to the barracks and steals some uniforms wear. Unforntuanly none of the Henchman uniforms fit Harry and he has to wear a Henchwoman's uniform. Posing as guards while wearing guard's uniforms, the duo restart the power inside the base and fight their way to the sublevels. They are separated when Harry has to rescue some hostages, but both manage to board the Khallos Express and continue their hunt for Khallos.

The Khallos Express 1969

Tipper helps Cortez board the train and the two then travel from car to car searching for Khallos, in the hope of preventing the launch of his "French Missile", a nuclear weapon he is planning to use to start World War 3. They battle two attack helicopters and deactivate the missile just before engaging Khallos himself. The two then eventually stop the train just before it runs over Kitten Celeste, Tipper's girlfriend. Harry asks Cortez if wants to go to a party but Cortez declines, deciding instead to head to his next time period.

Chinese Restaurant 1970

In TimeSplitters, Tipper is not acting as a secret agent, but rather as a police officer, suggesting that something happened that caused a temporary demotion. In his next mission, Detective Tipper raids a Chinese restaurant that is a front for a criminal ring that includes Mr. Big. He then proceeds to gather the gang's files, and escapes. His police partner is Lt. Christine Malone, and though Tipper is in a relationship with Kitten Celeste both before and after this mission, it appears that he and Malone had some kind of romance as well.

Atomsmasher Secret Base 1972

When we next see Tipper, it is two years later and he is once again acting as a secret agent, or so it would appear. Captured by Khallos, he manages to free himself from his prison, saves himself from an almost certain death, and deactivates various explosives around the Atomsmasher base before ensuring that Khallos meets his final demise once and for all. He is aided once more by his girfriend, Kitten Celeste, and the two of them escape together while Khallos' plans for world domination are stopped for one, final time.

You Genius, U-Genix 2052

Tipper also makes an appearance in the ending cutscene of the "You Genius, U-Genix" level. Whether it is in 2052, by which time Tipper would be getting on or older than 100, or if Cortez's cry can be heard in Tipper's own time in the 1960's or 1970's. The latter is more likely, because Tipper doesn't look that old, and neither did Kitten Celeste, who he was canoodling with at the time.






Harry has more of a laid back style of a personality. Even in the most dangerous of situations he remains calm and even finds time to crack jokes. However he does take his duty as a spy seriously and is fully focused on saving the world from Khallos's evil schemes.

TS2 Profile

Apperance: Smooth, man; Flares, unbuttoned shirt, mirrored shades and handlebar moustache.

Distinguishing Features: His dapper appearance catches people off guard as he smooth talks his way into them trusting him. That's when he strikes.

Likes: Music, free love and huge, ankle swinging trousers.

Dislikes: Bad vibes, man.

Weapon of Choice: Silenced Pistol


  • Harry: The name's Tipper man...Harry Tipper.
  • Harry: Far out, eh?
  • Harry: (After Cortez says "It's time to SPLIT!) Ouch! That's not cool man.
  • Harry: (wearing a woman's uniform) Hmmm... It's just not my color at all. Man, the things I do to save the world! Whoo, and it's breezy too! Hey! Got any spare socks? I need some padding! Hehe... this'll be the last thing they'll be expecting!
  • Harry Tipper: Aw, man! Hostages! I hate hostages! They take all the fun outta the job; always whinin' about needin' to be rescued!
  • Harry Tipper: Eh... Pretty stealthy. Maybe in space no one can hear you, but down here you're noisier than a blaze in a fireworks factory!
  • Cortez (At the end of the You Genius, U-Genix level, after accusing Crow of attempting to create the Timesplitters, before realising this action gives Crow the idea to do so): DAMMMMMNNNNNIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!

Harry Tipper: (Hearing Cortez in the past) ....SPACE MAN!

  • Harry Tipper: Aw, bummer, man! GREEN gas! That's the worst kind!
  • Harry Tipper (while trying to shut off the nuclear missile): Okay...how do we stop this thing?! (notices a loose hatch on the control panel) Hey! This panel comes off! Maybe if I pull out these wires...

Anya: Ummm...are you sure he should be doing that? (Harry gets electrouceted and falls to the floor.)

Harry: YOWWWWWWW! (Harry gets up and closes the panel.) That's NOT cool.


  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade- In the mission "The Khallos Express", Harry Tipper throws a henchman off the train and says, "No ticket."
  • The Harry Tipper part of the Story Mode features elements from various spy films. Some elements include Tipper's arch-nemesis, Khallos, who is a suitably generic-looking villain, and the ridiculous uniforms which may be a partial reference to the Austin Powers series of films.

James Bond series When we first see Khallos, he is petting a cat, a reference to the recurring Bond Villan Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Also, three of the engines in the level "You Take the High Road" are named "Manticore", "Volante" and "Liparus". These are the names of boats in the James Bond movies.

  • The game implies that "The Russian Connection" and "The Khallos Express" take place after the "Atomsmasher" level in TS2. However, those levels take place in 1969, which is three years before "Atomsmasher", which takes place in 1972. The character profiles in both games as well as the inclusion of henchwomen,(which were not in the Atomsmasher level) suggest that "Atomsmasher" came first (though Khallos could have fired the henchwomen), but the fact that Khallos is killed in TimeSplitters 2 seems to suggest that "Atomsmasher" came second (though he may have survived). Alternatively, this could be explained as a retcon (i.e. changing the first two Harry Tipper levels from taking place in the 70's to taking place in the 60's)- assuming, of course, that continued inetrference by Crow and the TimeSplitters had not simply altered history(which may logically explain any number of plot inconsistencies between games).
  • Harry Tipper's voice is radically different in this game compared to the previous, even considering a new voice actor. In TimeSplitters 2, Tipper's voice was comparable to an imitation of actor Bruce Campbell in sound and manner of speaking, whereas here, Tipper has a deep, gravelly voice, similar to George Carlin.
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