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Revision as of 01:36, 30 December 2006 by Carlo92 (Talk | contribs)



Hey everybody im carlo92 and im pretty new here. i decided to make a opening level cinema guide for TS2 and TSFP since i couldn't really find a place to place it on the site.

Me and Timesplitters

I got the second one first. First one I second and I got Future Perfect last. I have to say its a close battle between TS2 and TSFP on which ones the best but i think that Future Perfect is a tad bit better. There are so many characters in the series and cannot make up my mind but i think that captain ash and harry tipper are two of the best because they have interesting personalities and appear in every game.

TS2 Opening Level Cinemas

under construction

TSFP Opening Level Cinemas

Time to Split

under construction

Scotland the Brave

Captain Ash is rowing a small boat and humming to himself when Cortez suddenly appears from a time warp and falls into the ocean.

Ash: "What the?"

Cortez: "Any chance of a hand?"

Ash helps him aboard.

Ash: "I say what are you doing out here, old chap?"

Cortez: "I'm supposed to be on that island."

Ash: "Are you sure, bean? This whole island is going to bombed to kingdom come!"

Cortez: "By who?"

Ash: "Well...by the navy of course."

Cortez: "Damnit!"

Ash: "Don't worry old boy, we still have a wee while left. Theres someone. to find on the island first. Those navy chaps won't attack until they get my signal."

A Russsian sniper spots Ash and Cortez and fires a bullet that wizzes by and knocks Ash's pipe from his mouth.

Ash: "What! What, that was my best pipe! You bounders!"

Cortez grabs a Flare gun and prepares to fire.

Ash: "No, don't!"

Cortez: "Get down!"

Cortez fires a flare at the sniper, which knocks the sniper down the hill.

Ash: "Good shot, old man!"

Cortez: "I don't think much of this weapon."

Ash: "I'm afraid you let the cat out of the bag now."

An explosion causes the boat to shake and causes Cortez to be flung into the air.

Cortez: "What's going on?"

Ash: "That flare was the signal. It's going to get hairy from here on."

Cortez: "Damnit! Alright look, If you get us to shore alive, I'll help you find your friend, okay?"

Ash: "Good show sir! Consider it done."

Captain Ash rows to shore as the Navy shells the entire island and airplanes begin bombing raids. The two make it ashore in one piece.

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