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Sergeant Cortez

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 02:21, 1 July 2007 by MepZoh (Talk | contribs)

{{Infobox Character|

 name           = Sergeant Cortez|
 image          = http://img459.imageshack.us/img459/57/cortezprofilepicbu9.png|
 unlock         = Default|
 species        = Human|
 size           = Normal|
 accuracy       = 10/10|
 agility        = 3/10|
 stamina        = 5/10|
 fire_proof     = 5/10|
 shock_proof    = 5/10|
 default_ai     = 5 stars|
 timezone       = 2401|
 appearence     = TS2 Story Mode|
 relations      = None|
 games          = TS2
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