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Mr. Underwood

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Mr. Underwood is a character in Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect. He first appeared in Timesplitters 2, where the 2nd player in the co-op level Notre Dame.He helped Viola save the maidens and kill Jacque de la Morte. In Timesplitters: Future Perfect, he only appeared in challenges and Arcade League.

He wore a hat in TS2 to cover up his baldness, but removed it when he returned for Future Perfect. He wears green pants and a green jacket. He is a default character in Timesplitters 2, but in Future Perfect he must be unlocked. He is unlocked when a player beats the challenge "Glimpse of Stocking".

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Mr. Underwood has debunked table-rappers and fake mystics all over England. Reports of true supernatural phenomena have brought him to Paris. He has joined forces with the lady Viola to share intelligence in the battle against Jacque de la Morte.


Mr. Underwood reckons the undead are a load of poppysticks and cockyfiddle,or should that be poppycock and fiddlesticks? Anyway, if they do exist they had better watch out for the business end of his shotgun

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