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m (Weapons Lists)
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Insert TS3 Weapon List here, including Fists and (x2) weapons as seperate guns. (Working in progress)
*[[Baseball Bat]]
*[[Pistol 9mm]]
*[[Pistol 9mm (x2)]]
*[[Kruger 9mm]]
*[[Kruger 9mm (x2)]]
*[[LX-1*[[ (x2)]]
*[[Sci-Fi Handgun]]
*[[Sci-Fi Handgun (x2)]]
*[[Machine Gun]]
*[[Machine Gun (x2)]]
*[[K-SMG (x2)]]
*[[Dispersion Gun]]
*[[Tactical 12-Guage]]
*[[Soviet Rifle]]
*[[Harpoon Gun]]
*[[Plasma AutoRifle]]
*[[Monkey Gun]]
*[[Rocket Launcher]]
*[[Ghost Gun]]
*[[Sci-Fi Sniper]]
*[[Vintage Rifle]]
*[[Sniper Rifle]]
*[[Flare Gun]]
*[[Flare Gun (x2)]]
*[[Proximity Mine]]
*[[Remote Mine]]
*[[Timed Mine]]
*[[Plasma Grenade]]
*[[Time Grenade]]

Revision as of 11:25, 23 July 2006

An FPS wouldn't be a FPS without weapons. TimeSplitters has 32 weapons, TimeSplitters 2 31 and Future Perfect 43; including doubles & excluding Fists, adds up to 106.

Weapon Types

Weapons Lists

TimeSplitters 2
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
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