Cass Cult

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The Cass Cult is a small but growing faction of members on the Superdickery forums that completely idolize, and in some cases love, Cassandra Cain of Batgirl fame. Almost to a disturbing and insane degree.

This is not only due to how hot she is, but also her adorable personality and amazing fighting skills.

Although the Cult now consists over a dozen members and more unaffiliated supporters, the key members of the group are Drink and EspanolBot, who have been yelled at for causing several threads to divert off topic due to their love of Cass, as well as fighting over her honour. Because of this, other members have conspired to filter Cass's name to become "Babs". This has done little to daunt them however.

Quite frankly, it's taking over the board. Join us. We have candy.

The mass suicide is planned for June 9th. Although the whole thing is a clever ploy of Drink's to get Cass all for himself. Unfortunatly for everyone in teh world, they wussed out,.

Draghignazzo thought that "The Cass Cult" sounded a bit negative, and tried to make people call it "The C.A.S.S." - The Cassandra Appreciation Society - instead. This didn't really catch on, and it's not known exactly why. Maybe people felt that it was a stupid acronym since the second "S" didn't stand for anything.

UPDATE Recently it was revealed in Robin 150 that Cass had inexplicably turned evil. Needless to say that with this revelation things got ugly on the Cult's thread...

Despite this, Drink will forgive Cass with open arms once she's done being evil.

Update #2: Cass is no longer evil. The Cass Cult likes to think it was their constant praying to the One Who Is All that acheived this.

A list of Cass Cultists courtesy of Ruthborn: - Justin Carr (CassToons) - ChthonicSpirit - Anne Onymous (The Wotch) - michealdark - Ruthborn (Cass Cain Mainframe) - Mrrar ( - TheComicBookGuy - elias_A - HotAndCold - CayleyGraph - Darth Cansupes - Starke - Majin Gojira - Chaltab - Nevermore - Shanealt - Zechs - Linkara -Ing

Tim Drake

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