
From Superdickery

Revision as of 04:55, 16 November 2008 by DarkGob (Talk | contribs)

Nevermore joined Superdickery around Casstoons one year anniversary and is a member of The Unnofficial Superdickery.

It's all michealdark's fault she came.

Nevermore is a seventeen year old high school student. She has been described as an "angry young woman" but mostly considers herself silly and hyperactive. She likes Stephanie Brown far too much to be healthy. She even has her own wiki about her.

She's also a fan of Impulse, Wonder Woman, Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) and of course, Cassandra Cain. She likes many other characters as well, but these are the ones that she will most likely get cartoon hearts in her eyes for if you mention them.

She occasionally does her own little poorly drawn "Nevermoretoons" (viewed here The reason the link is to toon #12 is it's the first one Nevermore considers not to be badly drawn enough to burn peoples retinas. They get better as you go along, eventually she even colors them using Photoshop, though those haven't made it to the archive yet) that she contributes to the Casstoons community. They primarily feature Steph and occasionally Bart, who explained that the Flash that died was just a replacement clone he got off the Internet while he and his girlfriend, Carol, searched for Max Mercury. They rescued Max and came back to find the clone dead and everyone else emo. Badumdum.

Nevermore has a livejournal where she mostly gushes about Stephanie Brown, but she once has Gail Simone tell her one of her entries was good, and Nev died of fangirl squee, until the need to see what happens to Steph next bought her back. The blog is called The Adventures of Comic Book Girl

Nevermore is a militant feminist, and can often be seen decrying horrible misogyny in the real world and comic book one. It doesn't really accomplish anything, but it helps her soul. She wants to be a writer, and is a bit of an idealist, which is always dangerous.

She may be at war with Fabian Nicieza right now, because he dared say Spoiler could not support her own mini. The battle is bloody and also Mike's fault.

More importantly, she met Jann Jones at a Heroes Convention and later Jann Jones inexplicably called her an inspiration for making good comics in a DC Nation here. Nevermore takes her new job as inspiration for good comics very seriously, and therefore decided the best way to do this was to write Jann Jones a letter hoping to inspire her to campaign for a Spoiler miniseries and Adam Beechen off Batgirl. Results are yet to be seen, but Nev hopes her shining light will guide Jann's way.

She used to be known as Nevermore2, because of a registering mishap.

Has no sense of humor, which is immensely sad. Why so serious? HahAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhahAhAhaHahA......

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