Maxwell Lord

From Superdickery

Revision as of 03:03, 11 June 2008 by Nevermore999 (Talk | contribs)

He was the liason for the Justice League International. Recently, editorial decided he was evil and he tried to take over the world and shot Blue Beetle in the head and tried to take control of Superman. Wonder Woman found a solution that involved breaking the man's neck. Superman had a problem with this, despite the fact he was the one attacking everyone before WW freed him, and he'd killed people and stuff before as well.

Booster Gold recently rescued Ted from Max, and in a NOT surprising twist, this led to an alternate future where Max TOOK OVER THE WORLD. Max was revealed to be responsible for Pantha's mutation, cancer, world hunger and bad comic book crossovers in the meantime. Okay, maybe just the first one.

How will Mike and Ted get out of THIS one?

Apparently by Dr. Light (the good one) flash frying Max's heart (no really) because he KILLED HER CHILDREN.

They are still stuck in the altenate timeline though.

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