
From Superdickery

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Knife-wielding ex-girlfriend of Bizarre. Enjoys D&D tremendously. Former clone of Minnesota President and current clone of Eegriega. Real name is Jen but is usually only referred to as such in the chatroom.

Resident of Clearwater, Florida, Ykari is known on the forum, as mentioned, for her love of the particularly nerdy style of gaming, and her frequent rampages of violent and unchecked stabbing. She holds a fondness for all small implements with sharp edges including, but not limited to: knives, daggers, scalpels, cleavers, scissors and stanley blades. Additionally, she holds an intense love for slash fiction.

Ykari's love interests in the less physical sense include Batman's villains Edward E. Nigma (The Riddler), Jonathan Crane (The Scarecrow) and Jarvis Tetch (The Mad Hatter), and Raven of Teen Titans fame. Despite adoring these particular characters, Ykari does not read the comics from whence they came. The only comics she reads regularly are Fables and Runaways.

Presumed to be the alter-ego of homicidally violent The Organization operative Stab Queen. Ykariolatry is the mindless worship of Ykari! Finding Ykari on Christmas morning is believed to bring good luck!

...or countless stab wounds.

Ykari is part of the faux-lesbian gang and can usually be caught molesting Josie.

Superhero Profile

Superhero Name : Ykari

Secret Identity : Jennifer "Jen" DiBlasi

Edumacation :

- High school graduate (Tarpon Springs High)

- Shitloads of useless information about anything and everything

- Innate knowledge of pasta (Italian background bonus feat)

Work Experience :

- Working at a carwash in the Florida heat has given me a great resistance to heat based attacks. Fire? I laugh at fire.

- Volunteered at an Aquarium for one summer and has a special connection to sting rays. Obviously not very useful if there are no sting rays around.

Personality Traits :

- Happily harasses anyone who will consent to being sexually harassed.

- Unhealthy obsession with sharp objects, be they knives, swords, scythes, sickles, bow/arrows (Hey, arrows are sharp), etc.

- Enjoys puzzles

- Extremely allergic to original flavored bubblegum and marijuana.

Plot Developments :

- Ties to the Italian Mafia, shhh it's a secret.

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