Ralph Dibny

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Ralph Dibny, superhero alias the Elongated Man. Really, it's no wonder he decided to have a public identity. Gains his stretchy powers by drinking concentrated extract of Gingold (not Gingold soda, guys). His detectiving skills are second only to Batman's. He was a member of Justice League Europe.

He's married to Sue Dibny, who was murdered by Jean Loring and retcon-raped by Dr. Light in the Identity Crisis mini. As a result, Ralph became a starring character in 52, spending the first fourth of it pining, the second and third fourths of it somewhat batshit fucking loco, and the last fourth (or so) dead. Reunited with Sue in the afterlife, they became Ghost Detectives of Magical Going-Ons. Why nobody is writing a mini or ongoing or something about this yet, nobody knows.

Anybody spelling Dibny with an "e" in it officially looses their right to not get yelled at in all caps by HotAndCold. Why such an error sets her off so much, nobody is quite sure.

The Diary of Ralph Dibny is a satirical account of Ralph's shenanigans throughout 52. It is absolutely hilarious and a great read.

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