
From Superdickery

Revision as of 21:12, 18 May 2007 by TSI (Talk | contribs)

Nonexistant according to most intelligent people, though since the person who wrote this couldn't even spell "nonexistent" correctly, it doesn't lead to much moral support to their side, either. In truth, by the very definition of God, it is impossible to know. The person writing this could go on about it, but he's far too lazy to explain his personal philosophy to everyone, though he does take a note to note that someone who believes there isn't a god just because its "what smart people believe" is probably just as much of a poser and an idiot as anyone else.

God is not often discussed at Superdickery because A) Most posters are tolerant of other posters religions and B) Such a discussion is unlikely to lead to Yuri, one of the primary goals of the forum.

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