The Bear

From Superdickery

Revision as of 09:27, 2 May 2007 by (Talk)

The Bear is a Golden Age villian that is able to span across the gap of space and time. Seemingly immortal, it has escaped death time and again, only to rise again in another era to try and impose its evil upon the world.

Twice in the past D.C. has attempted to alter The Bear by making him into The Polar Bear (with ice powers) or replacing him with his son, a kind of anti-hero character who was partnered with Rex the Wonder Dog. Neither attempt worked and the version The Bear we've all come to know and hate remained fairly consstant even post-crisis.

In the current era, The Bear has started a military sect with normal bears known as Bearrorists. It is believed that they are the true culprits of the 9/11 attacks on New York City, although this has never been confirmed by the White House.

Rex the Wonder Dog has faced The Bear on more than one occasion, and has always prevailed. Other adversaries to The Bear include Jonah Hex, Batman, Stephen Colbert, Red Sonja and Conan O'Brien.

If you happen to be seen by The Bear, you are already dead--you just haven't been mauled yet.

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