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Deathmancer is the alias of Dr. Orpheus in the S.U.T.M. game.



Known Aliases: Dr. Orpheus, Dr. O, Dr. Byron Orpheus, Lonely Dr. O, Leonardo Leonardo

In magic, a -mancer is a prophet who uses a certain device or means of prophecy to figure out the future. A pyromancer uses fire, a hydromancer uses water. Therefore, a deathmancer is a person who can see the future by killing people. Agent Codename Deathmancer can see the immediate future as long as he is killing people, or around dying people. He also has an understudy in necromancy, which allows him to use death to see the future. He can also do some weird thing like animating corpses, no one really knows what it is. It's usually called necromancy but that's so wrong.


If it has anything to do with the undead, or the black arts, he can do it.


Not much is known about the Deathmancer. He appears to be getting close to being elderly, with black hair peppered with grey. However, due to his magic, he could be twice as old, or even centuries old. Unlike other agents, he was not recruited by the Organization, rather, he sought them out himself.


None. At all.

Reason for the name

In the beginning, Dr. O had a nasty habit to completely kill threads just by posting in them. Since then, people called him Deathmancer for the hell of it.

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