Superdickery Chat

From Superdickery

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Superdickery Chat was created out of sheer boredom by DieselMan. The chat is a place where miscellaneous discussion takes place, ranging from adult topics more suited to Cerebral Erosion, to general inane chat. Whatever topic is on hand at any given time invariably evolves into talk about buttrape, clonesex, or furries.

Regault, a chat resident often described as furniture, rarely speaks, and if he does, it's either about comics of World of Warcraft, despite what everyone else is talking about. Other members often found include DarkGob, Virgie, Schide, TSI, Torrent, Kris, Mechanical Bird, UnforgettableFire and Devin.

Ops include all female residents, Schide, Kris, and others. Torrent, who has a natural distrust for authority, feels extremely edgy when more than three ops are on at once, or when DarkGob is an op (although the latter should be a natural response).

The chat is found on the Nightstar Network of IRC, and the channel name is #superdickery.

Virgil hates the chat, as he hates all chat, although he is known to appear in chat infrequently as VirgilOrionWeatherby. After entering, he will spout a non sequitur, then leave.

bunnyofdoom is on the chat frequently, but for some reason, the ops hate him and ban him. It's probably because he's fucking irritating.

The Superdickery Chat is a large clique, and any user who does not get along with one of the members of the clique, automatically doesn't get along with all of the other members of the clique. This makes Superdickery Chat basically the high school to Superdickery's University and MC/CE's Vocational School.

A few of the members of the Superdickery Chat have gone from awesome, easy to get along with people, to utter assholes and jerks, for reasons no one knows why.

See Also


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