Long-distance dating

From Superdickery

Revision as of 17:39, 2 December 2007 by Scott (Talk | contribs)

Long distance dating is abnormally normal on the Superdickery Forums. Joyuna and EspanolBot have had the most success.

UnforgettableFire once tried to get a relationship going with Mechanical Bird. That went over like a lead balloon.

Minnesota President had a long distance boyfriend from outside the forum, who was occasionally harassed by Virgil.

It is pretty obvious that bunnyofdoom and ferretoflove make love to each other quite often. Although this isn't really long-distance dating due to the fact that they live in the same house, it should be noted anyways.

In Total

Joyuna and EspanolBot

Josie and Bizarre

Minnesota President and Hundera

Ykari and Bizarre

Josie and Schide

Virgie and Virgil

Virgil and Minnesota President

DarkGob and Louise

Kris and Louise

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