
From Superdickery

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Rainbowland was created at the end of a bizarre spamfest that was originally intended to get the Jeph Loeb OYL thread to page 900. In celebration, Minnesota President started riding an ostrich while wearing a furry hat. This hat was stolen, setting off a chain of events resulting in the opening of a portal between Superdickery and Rainbowland (the portal, incidentally, is created when Sota turns her skin inside-out), and the repeated creation and destruction of Rainbowland itself.

Rainbowland is a world created and ruled by Rainbow Princess Sota. The only way to get to Rainbowland is through a portal created by turning Sota inside-out, so it could be said that Rainbowland exists INSIDE Minnesota President. But that's kind of gross, so don't say that. Rainbow Princess Sota rules in tandem with her Royal Consort Eegriega. They currently have one heir, the baby Princess Ferngully. Nobody's quite sure how the two females produced a child.

When Rainbowland is threatened, Sota summons the Warriors of Bygone Rainbows, an assortment of rainbow-themed anonymous fighters, and Frans Rayner, a character from the webcomic Dr. McNinja. Sota knighted Linkara and Wonderfish to be warriors of Rainbowland during their OTP ceremony. The other Warriors have yet to be identified.

Rainbowland is populated almost entirely by lesbians.

Rainbowland may or may not exist in tandem with Dolphinland, another figment of Sota's imagination.

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