Guitar Playing Lad

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A forum member, known for being Finnish and a rather glum one at that. At the age of 26, he is also one of the forums older members. When he first came to the Superdickery Forums, GPL was hated by almost everyone, but he later worked his way to become more tolerated. Some people still find him annoying, because he is chronically depressed and a whiny bitch who writes annoyingly long posts. Also, his constant babbling about Finland pisses of Mess to no end, since Mess believes Finland doesn't exist except in GPL's imagination.

GPL studies business in a college, but is likely going to be kicked out for being too lazy. He would like to write for living.

Guitar Playing Lad's username is a pun based on all kinds of Lads on superhero comics (especially the Matter Eating Lad) and his hobby of playing a guitar. In The S.U.T.M. game, GPL goes by the name The Wandering Minstrel.

Virgil has claimed that GPL is the second most attractive male member on the SD forums.

Personal Details:

Birthday: February 19th 1980

Height: 6' (184cm)

Weight: 152 lbs. (69kg)

Eyes: Dark-Blue

Hair: Dark-Brown with few natural lighter stripes. Also, according to his mother, he has few greys.

Hobbies: Playing Guitar, Playing Floorball, Listening to Music, Singing at Karaoke, Reading, Glummying.

Fun Facts:

- Guitar Playing Lad can live for up to a week without a head.

- Plato believed that the souls of melancholy people would be reincarnated into Guitar Playing Lad.

- Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and Guitar Playing Lad has 7.

- The pharoahs of ancient Egypt wore garments made with thin threads of beaten GPL.

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