Evil wizards

From Speakeasy

Revision as of 00:59, 22 November 2006 by Niccolo and donkey (Talk | contribs)

See emperor_palpatine

Evil Wizards that teleport into another country is an example of "out-of-the-box" thinking on the part of emperor_palpatine , who also often uses computer strategy games in his analysis of world politics and warfare.

While the origin of the idea (and the board it was first proposed on) is still under dispute, it first came to light on Speakeasy in this thread October 28th, 2005 at 2:06 pm.

Ever since, the teleporting Evil Wizard theory has been mooted about by many members as an explanation for or potential solution to global problems.

Partial History:

An Evil Wizard smiley was proposed by Niccolo and Donkey here but one was never made.

Passing mention made here

Columnist The War Nerd refers to the Evil Wizard here

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