Daisuke Andou

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Revision as of 17:25, 9 February 2008 by Clueless (Talk | contribs)

Name: Andou, Daisuke
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th grade
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Shisei High

Appearance: Daisuke is 5'11", he has long (for a boy) dyed reddish-coppery hair, usually kept in a short pony tail, brown eyes, about average build but with long toned legs that can kick hard, the rest of his appearence is fairly normal. He has some barely noticable cuts on his arms and torso.

Biography: Daisuke comes from a rich background as his father is a successful business man, he resents his parents for them being "model citizens". Daisuke is the type that wants to change the world or die trying. He's not very quick to trust people. Studied martial arts as a child but gave them up at 11. Daisuke also has borederline Sado-masochism (taking pleasure from hurting himself and others) that he is usually able to control, but it can greatly affect his reasoning.

Other:' N/A

Number: 16

The above biography is as written by Sephy. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.


Designated Weapon: S-4M (Silent) Pistol
Conclusions: The martial arts he learned as a kid might come in handy. If he gets out of control with his Sado-Masochism, then this competition will become far more interesting than it already is. I have a feeling, though, that B16 is the heroic type, and will probably die saving someone. But, who really knows?


Game Evaluations

Kills: 0

Killed by:

Collected Weapons:

Allies: Aiden Ambrose, Umi Martin


Mid-Game Evaluation: Daisuke's tenure on the island began at the Well, looking through his daypack (with many a sarcastic obeservation) Aiden Ambrose soon stumbled on him. Umi Martin also happened on the scene, and after a few moments of tension as Umi pointed her gun at them, the situation was diffused and the trio formed an alliancem as none of them were playing.

The group moved on to the woods, and they spoke for while - wondering what they would do if somebody who was playing came upon them. They reached their destination - the Hospital, without incident, but upon their arrival, discovered Hawley Faust was inside. Daisuke, spoliing to cause some damage, attempted to bust inside to attack Hawley, but Umi restrained him. Hawley moved to investigate, and the three of them fled, though not before Aiden was wounded in the arm, courtesy of Hawley's shotgun.

Arriving at the waterfall, Daisuke and Umi treated Aiden's wounds, with Aiden unconcious, Daisuke confessed his Sado-masochistic complex to Umi. However, Umi took it well, so Daisuke's fears that she would freak out proved unfounded. Edward Rommel interrupted their conversation, but after Umi threatened him at gunpoint, he was discovered not to be a danger. The group talked for a while, then Gabrielle Minase arrived on the scene. Minase was not in a friendly mood, and demanded that the group gave up their weapons to him. After some heated banter, Minase protested that he was simply scared, and had never planned on shooting them at all. A badly wounded Garrett Langston soon turned up, and this did nothing to calm anybody down, Daisuke, nerves strained to the breaking point, proceeded to shoot Minase in the chest, killing him. Umi succeeded in calming him down, and the remainder of the group left, Edward and Garrett having departed just before Minase was killed.

Once they got to the lookout point, Umi and Daisuke discussed the game, Aiden still fairly out of the picture. In the middle of their conversation, Andrew Lipson cried out, and after a few moments, Umi rescued the wheelchair bound boy who was stuck in the ditch. After bringing him up to speed on the game, they were once again interrupted, this time by Kichiro Taka, who had followed them from the waterfall, and his companions Kiyoko Asakawaand Cassandra Roivas. Fortunately, the new arrivals were friendly, however, after conversing for a while, Kichiro left for the flames of the Bamboo Coppice, thinking he would find his sister there. Tragically, Umi was in the group he had just left... Afterwards, they came up with a plan to talk to others on the island, and Andrew went to the hilltop. He managed to contact Adam Dodd but was struck by lightening and fell from the cliff, dying soon after, to the horror of the group. Post a confrontation with Chi Masumi, Daisuke and the others left, making their way to the old warehouse.

There they stumbled upon another group, comprising of Devi Satome - who soon left, angered by the noise they were making, a highly strung Heather Pendergast, Fredrik Hughes, Jeremy Torres, and meeting Garrett Langston for a second time. Although Heather was in an agressive mood - distrusting Daisuke and the others as they were well armed. Luckily, Fred managed to calm everybody down and get to the introductions, preventing any bloodshed. However, Fred also left soon thereafter, and Jeremy, along with Heather, quickly went along after him. The next visitor was far from welcome, Peri Barclay, but, though he was agressive, he eventually calmed down, though it didn't help when a surprised Kiyoko shot at him with Aiden's gun.

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quote(s): "Can we not start playing mind games? If we start thinking like that we'll end up stabbing each other in the back, I don't know about you two, but i'm not ready to give in to that sadistic bastards little game," to Aiden Ambrose, scolding him for speaking in a way that would only rouse suspicion.
"I don't care about anyone," to Umi Martin, denying he cared about Aiden and his arm wound.
"Guess we won't be seeing him again" Daisuke's only comment to the departure of Kichiro Taka


  • According to Sephy, Shisei High School was a school from another roleplay in which students who were too smart, too weird, or too crazy to go to other high schools were enrolled.
  • Daisuke is based partially off of an imaginary friend Sephy once had and partially off of Die from Dir en Grey.
  • Daisuke was the fourth-last first generation character to die in SOTF.
  • In a minor error on the part of Sephy, when Daisuke first encounters Aiden Ambrose at the well, he addresses Aiden by name. However, it is impossible for him to know who Aiden is, as Daisuke did not attend Barry Coleson High School and had never previously encountered the boy.
  • In every other roleplay Sephy has used Daisuke in, his name was Kazuo. However, as the name resembled BR character Kazuo Kiriyama too much, Sephy had to change it for this RP.
  • Daisuke can mean a number of things, but the way Dai's is spelled, it means "tranquility in the east" or just "tranquility".
  • His original first name, Kazuo, means "pacifist".
  • Ando is the last name of both Masanobu Ando who played Kiriyama in the BR movie, and Die Ando, the rhythm guitarist of Dir en grey.
  • Dai's birthday is the same as Sephy's, 16th July, so he's a cancer, and his bloodtype is type O.


Below is a list of threads containing Daisuke, in chronological order.

Starting Point For Boy #16
On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)
At The Entrance
Chillin' At The Waterfall
Starting Place For B#54
Survival Of The Fittest
I Am Legend/Out For Blood - At this point, Bloody_Fists takes control of Daisuke to initiate his death sequence.

Your Thoughts

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