Alan Shinwrath

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Revision as of 23:42, 19 November 2006

Name: Shinwrath, Alan
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th grade.
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Barry Coleson High

Appearance: Has a slight tan that clashes with his blond hair, but compliments his brown eyes. Of moderate height and weight (about 5'9 and 100 lbs.), he is thin, but not wiry, and strong, but not bulky. Has two scars on his right hand from accidentally slicing his hand on a rusted broken pipe years ago.

Biography: Born to an old Scottish family that moved to the Americas during the colonial period, Alan was raised with old-fashioned values mixed with new-fashioned ideas. His father was a strict religious man and homosexual-hater (aka: homophobe, even though that technically means fearing homosexuals), and he raised Alan to these ideals, training Alan to hate those who walked the path of homosexuality with a feirce passion, while honing his body to punish them. His cousin taught him the "sweet science" of boxing, along with a philosophy of "an eye for an eye", a system of belief that makes him retaliate viciously to those who wrong him. When the "plane incident" occured, he thanked Mr. Danya under his breath for the opportunity to punish his classmates, especially those who's sexual orientation differs from his own.

Other: Alan is practically the definition of a homophobe, mostly due to the influence of his father.

Number: Boy #3

The above biography is as written by Slayer. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.


Designated Weapon: Brass Knuckles
Conclusions: Ah, wasn't it very fortunate that he got that weapon of all things? He's going to be a game motivator for sure, judging by the amount of homosexuals in the SOTF ACT.


Game Evaluations

Kills: None, tried to kill Hawley Faust and considered killing Adam Dodd when they first met, since all he'd have had to do was push Adam to send him flying off the cliff.

Killed by: Shot in the head by Jacob Starr, unintentionally taking a bullet for Hawley Faust, who Jacob was aiming at when he fired the shot (Alan punched him in the head and made him turn around, shooting Alan instead).

Collected Weapons: Brass Knuckles (designated weapon)

Allies: Adam Dodd, Hawley Faust and, for about a minute, Edward Rommel.

Enemies: Jacob Starr, Uriel Hunter, briefly Hawley Faust, August Masbeth and Terry Woodard.

Mid-Game Evaluation: I'll edit this in when I'm not so damn tired.

Post-Game Evaluation: One of many wastes of time. He could've been a pretty tough competitor, but he was stupid and brought knuckles to a gun fight.

Memorable Quotes:


  • Out of all of Slayer's characters, Alan bears the closest resemblance to his handler.
  • Alan's homophobia was only brought up once, when he was asked who he would like to kill most and he answered Naoji Hideyoshi for the sole reason that he was homosexual (though he did admit Naoji was not really a threat).


Below is a list of threads that contain Alan, in chronological order.

Your Thoughts

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