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Healthinfo Island

- The following information is taken from the web site. at 17-Jan-2007

Healthinfo Island is an island on Second Life dedicated to Health issues. The island concentrates on three main activities:

1. Consumer Health Information:

a special Consumer Health Library will be built and the project manager, Carol Perryman (a.k.a. Carolina Keats), with colleagues, will map all existing support groups in Second Life. She intends to implement an outreach program, to improve health information transfer in a broad sense. This project has begun by compiling a long list of support groups. As a directory, this listing will benefit SL residents immediately, while serving as a framework for the beginning of outreach activities. It will be the most important project on the Island.

2. Information for Educational, Clinical or Research activities:

This will be coordinated from within the Second Life medical Libary. Many Academic organisations are stepping in or thinking about it. Have a look at! Sl offers a lot of simulation power. Already there are thoughts of developing CME, offering services to special educational groups. There are plans for a Virtual Hospital. The Medical Library can offer help and support .

We can offer meeting space and expertise in the exchange of information. And most of all we really want to work together!

3. Experiment and development of new ways of interaction between users and libraries With open minded people who are willing to invest time to try to improve library services in general and really learn what user want & need.

Already there is a portable (well, in fact Head-Up Display) searchTool that can search Second Life Library , Second Life stuff itself but also special web resources, such as WorldCat, Google, Amazon … Library Tours can be selfservice by means of a tool like Chatfeeder that users carry with them. They can read e-books, listen to audio-books and look at streaming video. We have RSS-feeds visually displayed.

We can search PubMed in Second life, offer Reuters health News. Our virtual Reference Desk is using QuestionPoint and we are training a Chatbot to talk to people when we are not there.

HealthInfo Island partners are:

  • Consumer Health Library
  • Second Life Medical Library
  • Second Life Health & Wellness Center
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