Star Trek (Merit Badge)

From Scouting

This is a Fake merit badge. In no way should it be considered a real or a candidate for a real badge.
Scifi Merit Badge
Real Status: Fake
Eagle Status: Not an Eagle
Requirements Last updated: 2006
Stock No. none
ISBN: none


  1. Explain the Mission of the USS Enterprise.
  2. Do the Following:
    • a. Choose an episode from any series, or any movie.
    • b. Find out the tile, Series, Season, episode number (within season), episode number (overall), production number, premier date, broad cast order, who is written by, teleplay by, and directed by
    • c. Find out the Stardate, and Earthdate.
    • d. Give a brief description of the episode.
    • e. Give a summery of what happens. Include what plot devices and effects it has on other episodes
    • f. Give the Background info
  3. Choose one of the following and explain it's concepts
    • a. Warp Drive
    • b. Star Fleet
    • c. United Federation of Planets.
    • d.
  4. Choose a Race and Explain it's effect on the Galaxy and Interstellar politics.

Sources, References, etc.

Star Trek Wiki

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